So here we are in LLLLLlllllangollen itself at the end of the canal. Our planning failed spectacularly as we actually didn't mean to arrive until tomorrow but once we got to the Pontywotsit Aqueduct there was nowhere further on to stop. On the run into Llangollen the canal goes to single width for two stretches and this coupled with a flow down the canal from the River Dee makes for an excruciatingly slow trip. Plus the fact that its shallow in places and you end up scraping the bottom. Still the village is very pretty with its own steam train line amongst other things. On a more global note we are having to change plans and head straight back from here on Sunday, primarily because my specialist was right and my right hip seems to be buggered so I need to get home fairly soon for some TLC. Also now that a publishing contract is in the post I am going to have to do some serious w**k this year rather than churning words out at my own dilatory pace. So plans need to change.

Sometimes after a cold, windy and slightly wet day things suddenly get better.
Oi! Where's the canal gone? The Pontyunpronounceable aqueduct really is a long way up and on the non towpath side its a long way down.
210 years old, crashed into by numerous hire boats and still doing the business. Robert Telford was the man.
A certain spouse got all twitchy on the aqueduct and need copious quantities of clotted cream to recover.
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