Friday, 6 May 2016

Royal sensibilities

Had to laugh today.  I sent the manuscript of my Lynx book to Buckingham Palace today with a letter asking if Prince Andrew would provide a foreword.  He was a Lynx pilot for many years and my publisher really likes the idea of him adding a few words - fair enough.  So off goes the email and and automated reply comes straight back saying:
'Your recent message was not delivered because it violates our acceptable use policy on profanity. You are advised to amend your message and resend it as appropriate.'

So I had a good canter through the text and did find two b*****s and three s***s - its about military flying after all, so that's pretty mild.  Off it goes again and gets bounced with the same response.  I revert to the old fashioned system of using the telephone and get told to send it through to a Gmail address.  Sure enough a couple of hours later I get a call to say that all is safely received.

Just curious, I ask - 'any idea why the royal firewall didn't like it?'
A few seconds later I get the answer - 'Er yes its probably the word -----------  cockpit'

Well bugger me.

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