It was actually released just before Christmas but I forgot I needed to announce it as I'm up to my ears in the Lynx book, the new Jon Hunt novel as well as narrating 'Arapaho'. And then there was Christmas and New Year to get in the way!! Who said retirement was boring. I must be doing something right as I've already sold ten copies. If anyone reading this thinks they are expensive on Audible they are also available on ITunes and significantly cheaper. With audio books, unlike Kindles and paperbacks, I don't set the price, the retailer does so I have no control but it does seem weird to me as Audible is an Amazon company and they normally a very rigorous at price matching. Right back to work.........
Not totally relevant to the book but a really cool photo sent to me by one of my contributors to the book on the Lynx. Its two Mark 8 Lynx in the hangar of one of our new Type 45 destroyers HMS Dragon - sort of like the two aircraft in the hangar of HMS Chester in the book.
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