First draft of the Lynx book was despatched to the publishers today. There is one more addition to make. I was meant to be flying last Wednesday with 815 Squadron to have a final trip in a Mark 8 but managed to select the only day of the week with a Force 10 and low cloud. Hopefully next Wednesday will be better. Either way, I wanted to get things going with the publisher and the RN PR people who have to clear the book. If I actually get airborne I can add the last bit in due course.
The book has been a labour of love and incredibly time consuming especially considering that most of it consists of contributions from other people. The process of contacting them, 'coercing' them to contribute and then getting the input into a consistent format has not been easy. However, I must offer a really big thank you to everyone who came up trumps. Of course I now have to deal with the publishers and have no idea what changes etc they will want.
Publication apparently takes about 9 months which means a launch around Christmas but I am trying to tie it in with various things that the Navy are doing as the Lynx retires. I am really hoping to get everyone together for a few beers at an appropriate time.
So on with Jon Hunt 7..................
One of my problems is that I've been given so many brilliant photos its been really hard to choose them. Here's one that I didn't use.
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